teach what i learn: quing dynasty

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dango117's avatar
(this is me teaching you what i learn in art history as a way of studying and spreading  the knowledge to all you guys. those who dont want to know this knowledge please turn away. as well as need references to the art works mentioned let me know ^^)


Amature vs professional painting_-quing dynasty


Let’s  talk dynasties

  Unlike Mughal rule, dynasties rather then coming from a single family sucession, came from different social groups in certan areas. Such as the  Han chinese and Mongal dynasties. Making different forms of potrons/art.




What is the way of the artist during this?

Still working in workshops similar to the Mughal, the main lead artist or the one that gets mentioned instead of doing just the sketching/making the shape of the portatrait instead only does a few brushstrokes. This is because if you are a prominent artist you houldnt be a sell out to most patrons and don’t do so much labor. In the quing court this was highly regarded as in terms of art. And example of this would be Wang’s southern scroll, this 700 ft scroll documenting the emporers journey to the mountain though wang was regarded as the artist only added little painstrokes out of the whole piece.



Who is Su shi?

1st artist who used the term”scholar painting.”

Making works that corresponds with both the art of calligraphy/poetry,  basically the pioneer of scholar art.


What is scholar art?

To su shis’s believe it is an artist who doesn’t do patrons for money, one who the marriage between poetry/ painting to correspond in a piece, while using little brushstrokes to capture the philosophy behind the poem. An example of this would be wen tongs bamboo.


Ideal vs reality:


ideal -of  of scholar paintings is the artist must not do paintings that hve to do with either the court/religion,  that an artists that is driven by idel of simple art/poetry of there own philosophies.


Reality- most paintings were inspired by buddist influences that corresponds with nature/ buddiest beliefs, most artist of scholar paintings took patronage of the court, along with the elite. Creating court influence works.



Which means there total hypocrites in these rules!


Ming dynasty scholar paintings

 History referenced paintings that uses a variety of brushstrokes, poeti nature, and designed as gifts for upper class travlers.  Which definatly defied  from only certain artists that trained/ was socially accepted as an professional kinda artists who can do works.

Example of this is shen zhou painting which is also  the center of this work city wise.



Lets talk about  dong quchang’s phantom trees


Dong was buddist influenced paintings captured more with the essence or form fo nature rather then copyinh nature itself. Creating these paintings more as for gifts for lower recipients rather then going for high patrons. An example of his work would be invitation to reclusion at jingxi by him


Mingè qing dynasty

From the sudden change of sdynasty brought a new unorthodox painting that combined btoh amatur paitings with scholar such as clearing after rain over stream and mountians.


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